Over 4 decades of experience in assisting Connecticut teachers to retire


About Us

Planning Futures

CT Teachers' Retirement Consulting Services LLC was established in 2003 and has helped inform and educate thousands of Connecticut educators of the benefits which they are entitled to receive as members of the Connecticut Teachers' Retirement System.   CTRCS  is managed and led by Bill Sudol, the former Administrator of the Teachers' Retirement Board .

A Proven Approach

We start by providing you with a detailed analysis and estimate of your CTRS benefits and potential SS benefits.  We also identify any service that you may be eligible to purchase and the cost effectiveness of doing so. We take the time to explain the retirement plan options and guide you through the process of filing for your retirement and health benefits.

Why Us?

Bill has over 47 years of experience in helping teachers to retire and is considered as one of the foremost experts on matters of the Connecticut Teachers' Retirement System. He has been recognized and honored for his work  by the Connecticut Education Association (CEA), the Connecticut Association of Public School Superintendents (CAPSS), and the Association of Retired Teachers (ARTC). He has testified before the Connecticut General Assembly on legislative matters and has presented numerous workshops throughout the state  You can count on unbiased recommendations and impartial guidance.

Retirement is a Major Life Decision

Making the decision to retire is one of life's major decisions, affecting not only you, but in many cases, a spouse, significant other, or a family member.  

You want to be sure that you are maximizing your benefit by purchasing whatever service that you are eligible to receive, fully understanding your plan options, and utilizing the option to increase your retirement income through an annuity program available through the Teachers' Retirement Board (TRB).  The TRB laws can be extremely complex and confusing and you want to be confident that you are making decisions which are in your best interest.  


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CT Teachers Retirement Consulting Services, LLc

(860) 334-3263 Fax (860)-228-0461


Monday thru Saturday daytime appointments as well as early evenings

Your Personal Consult


During your scheduled appointment, Bill will provide you with a detailed estimate of your benefits, including the various payment plan options and their death benefits, assistance in documenting additional credited service and the cost/value of doing so, options for the  Supplemental and Voluntary accounts, calculation of potential SS benefits, limitations on post retirement earnings, eligibility for cost of living adjustments, and options for health insurance coverage as well as assistance in completing your Application For Retirement Benefits. Bill will also review your TRB Member Statement to insure as best as possible that it is accurate and up to date. Your spouse or significant other is encouraged and welcomed to attend this meeting which typically lasts 45 to 90 minutes..  Before we meet, Bill will request a copy of your most recent TRB Member Statement, your current and future year salaries, your full date of birth as well as your spouse's or significant other's date of birth.  Also, let Bill know if you have any service to purchase (out of state teaching, subbing, military service etc.).  If you have enough SS credits (40), Bill will also need your SS wage history to calculate your anticipated SS benefits.   


When will I qualify for my retirement benefits?

What will my survivors receive if I die before or after I retire?

Which Retirement Plan Option is best for me and my family?

What options do I have for my Supplemental Account?

What is a Voluntary Account and how does it work?

What types of service can I purchase and is it worth it?

Am I eligible for SS benefits based on my earnings or my spouse's earnings?

What are my options for health insurance when i retire?

What must I do to apply for my retirement benefits?

Can I work after retirement and what are the limitations on my earnings?


Other Services

  • Assist school districts in developing and implementing early retirement incentive plans (ERIP).

  • Offer possible exit retirement strategies  to resolve employment issues.

  •  Providing information to teachers s who are undergoing divorce as it relates to how and when their benefits may be affected.

  •    Working with attorneys in understanding and drafting a Domestic Relations Order (DRO) that is acceptable to the court and to the Plan Administrator, the Connecticut Teachers' Retirement Board.

  • Conducting full day or half day personal retirement consults  on school grounds for TRB participants  at the request of the school district